Whatsapp Avatar Maker | Use Facebook Avatars On Whatsapp | Sticker for WhatsApp Download

Whatsapp Avatar Maker – There’s no Whatsapp Avatar Maker for now. You can, however, transform Facebook into your own WhatsApp Avatar Maker. With the launch of Avatar, Facebook has also embarked on Avatar. Now, during a WhatsApp chat, you can easily use Facebook Avatars, and even place such an avatar on WhatsApp as your display picture.

Compared to its competitors, Facebook’s Avatars are a big deal. First, it hits over a billion users directly, and second, when it comes to customization options, the company has left no stone unturned. In my experience, the options for personalization are much better than what users are provided by Apple and Snapchat.

Whatsapp Avatar Maker

We’ll teach you how to use Facebook Avatars as your WhatsApp avatar maker in this article. Let’s just start.

Create Facebook Avatars

  • Open up the Facebook app on your Android or iPhone.
  • Go to the Facebook menu at the bottom right corner on the iOS device. If on Android, then you will see this option at the upper right corner.
  • Pick the Avatars option.
  • This opens up the Avatar creation menu with a lot of customization options.
  • Time to put more elements to your Avatar. You can select skin tones, face shape, hairstyle, eyewear, facial hair, and even change outfits to look close to your looks and style.
  • You can scroll back to the menu and customize any detail. After you’re done, tap the “Done” button at the upper right corner.

Use Facebook Avatars On Whatsapp – Whatsapp Avatar Maker

Go through these steps to use Facebook Avatars on WhatsApp.

  • During a WhatsApp chat, you might want to use a Facebook Avatar in chat. To do that, open up Facebook app on your device.
  • In Facebook menu, load up your current Avatar.
  • Tap the “Sticker” menu located at the upper right corner and bring up all the default stickers based on your Avatar.
  • Pick the sticker you want to use in WhatsApp, and you will be prompted to share using the Share menu.
  • Select the “More” options and tap on “WhatsApp”. Pick the chat where you want to use the sticker and WhatsApp will display it as an image.

Save Facebook Avatars On Phone

It is very easy to save your Facebook Avatars on your mobile device. Let us show you how to do so.

First, you need to share your Facebook Avatar with WhatsApp using the steps in the previous section. Now follow the set of instructions below to save Facebook Avatars on your mobile phone.

  • Open the WhatsApp chat where you have shared Facebook Avatars.
  • Tap on the Avatar photo that you desire to save.
  • Select the “Share” button at the bottom left corner.
  • Tap “Save” and it will save the Facebook Avatar photo to your mobile device.

Voila, you can now send the Facebook Avatar in a chat using the default image picker in WhatsApp.

Whenever you use the share button in WhatsApp to save the avatar, it can also offer to set the Avatar as a Profile Picture on WhatsApp. Crop the image and you can set it as your display picture on WhatsApp.

For now we can hold on to the until Facebook which is also the owner of WhatsApp is ready to launch Whatsapp Avatar Maker. Enjoy

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