Shopify Facebook Group | Shopify Ecommerce Public Group

Shopify Facebook Group helps you integrate your Shopify store with numerous Facebook groups. This integration helps increase your productivity and grow your sales.

Shopify facebook groups

Shopify Facebook | Shopify Ecommerce Public Group

Shopify Facebook stands as one of the most populous e-commerce website builders which creates an online store where your items get listed, collect credit card payments, and shipping your products has never been easier.

Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups gives you an enabling environment where you can communicate and share information about shared interests with specific people. It grants users access to create Facebook groups for virtually anything. Be it work-relating, after-work activities, or family events.

Shopify Facebook Group Benefits

Shopify Facebook Group can be the best decision you would ever make to grow your business. This integration connects your Shopify store with your social media accounts helps improve the quality of your services and increases the convenience of the workflow.

It also gives your brand popularity and ease of use.

Some aspects of the Shopify Facebook group actually makes your store easier, which is helpful in a competitive business environment such as e-commerce.

Shopify Facebook Group helps you build customer trust, increase store engagement, and boost sales and profit.

How to Integrate Shopify with Facebook Groups

  • What You Need to Know

New Event: This alerts you of a new or upcoming event for a group.

Post Photo: Get alert when someone creates a new photo post in the group.

New Post: When a new status adds to the group.

Post Message: This is when someone creates a new message posted in the groups feed.

New Customer: When a new customer is created.

New Paid Order: This informs you whenever a new purchase is made and paid. You choose a different order status like refunded or pending.

Create Products: When a new product is created.

New Cancelled Order: Get alert whenever an order is being canceled.

Create Order: This is when a new order is created.

Integrate Shopify with Facebook Groups

To integrate Shopify with Facebook Groups, you have to log into your Shopify account.

Tap “Online Store”

Choose “Preferences”

Then copy and paste the pixel ID

Lastly, tap “Save”.

You can allow Facebook check out from the Shopify admin and upload the product details. Before you begin, your products and collections must be displayed in your online store.

Sign into Shopify, and find the + symbol, tap “Learn more”, tap “Add Channel”, tap “Facebook”, tap “Get Started” and lastly, tap “Connect account”.

You’ve just enabled Shopify to link with your Facebook business page. Facebook will confirm your account details. Immediately the verification is officially done, you can enable Facebook checkout using the Shopify admin.


You can create a Facebook campaign with the conversions objective to attract new potential customers to your site. You can create groups that are similar to people and find new potential customers.

Go Shopify Facebook Group, keep your customers informed, and save yourself time to focus on expanding your business online.

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