Change Facebook Password – Everything internet based that requires you to have an account tends to have a kind of security, most times password based. Imagine having to open up to 5-6 social media platforms account, meaning you will have to remember up to six different passwords. That doesn’t sound good.
Facebook password protects your account from would-be hackers so the stronger it depends on how hard it will be to guess it and the number of characters in the password. Setting a very strong Facebook password comes with the risk of forgetting it especially if it’s one you reset consistently.
Facebook recognizes this fact and designed ways users can change their password when they forget it.

How to Reset Forgotten Facebook Password
There are quite a lot of ways to reset your Facebook password while logged out and this article will be providing you with the simplest process.
Note that for this process to work, you will need access to the email or phone number you used in creating that Facebook account.
- Navigate to Facebook’s find your account page.
- Fill in the email, full name, username, or mobile number you used in creating the account.
- Click on “Search”.
- Once you find your account, click on it.
- Now, you will have to choose a verification means. Email or phone number, select the one you remember well and have direct access to.
- Check your email inbox or device inbox for a six-digit pin sent to the email address or mobile number linked to that account.
- Type in the code into the verification box and click on continue.
- Set-up a new password and try not to lose this one.
Reset Password From Facebook Account
If you are logged in to your Facebook account and wish to change your password for one reason or the other, its simple, just stick to these guides;
- Click on the dropdown menu at the top right corner of your newsfeed page.
Note: Facebook app dropdown menu is the hamburger or three-line icon while the Facebook web version dropdown menu is the little downward-facing arrowhead icon.
New Facebook
See More New Facebook – New Facebook Mode | How to Switch to the New Facebook
- Choose “Settings and Privacy”.
- Next, select “Settings”.
- Thereafter, click on “Security and Login”.
- Tap on “Edit” next to “Change Password”.
- Fill in your current password.
- Type in a new password and confirm the changes made.
Classic Facebook
See More Classic Facebook | New Facebook | Switch Back to Classic Facebook
- Select “Settings”.
- Choose “Security and Login”.
- Click on the “Edit” link next to “Change Password”.
- Enter your current password.
- Specify a new one, confirm it, and save the changes you just made.