Facebook Marketplace Orlando | Sell on Orlando Marketplace Free

Facebook Marketplace Orlando is a commercial destination where people who live in the Orlando community can buy and sell items digitally.

Facebook  Marketplace Orlando  | Sell on Orlando Marketplace Free

Facebook Marketplace Orlando Rules

All items for sale on Facebook must follow the Commerce Policies. The Commerce Policies applies to

  • Marketplace
  • Buy and Sell groups
  • Page shops
  • Instagram shopping.

As a seller, if there are issues with your product next to your listing, it will not be approved because it contravenes Facebook’s Commerce Policies. These policies are;

Not Real Item: Items that are non-physical products like lost and found posts, jokes, and news are not allowed for sale on Marketplace.

Services or events tickets: A service or or event tickets can only be sold on Marketplace with Facebook’s written permission.

Description and photo don’t match: Photos of items posted for sale, must match the description and title of the listing.

Animals: Animals are not allowed for sale on Marketplace or buy or sell groups. This also includes posting about animals or adoption. Bear in mind that it’s okay to create a News Feed post or an ad about selling an animal.

Healthcare: Sale of healthcare related items are not permitted. (example; thermometers, first aid kits).

Before and after pictures: Items for sale on Facebook, are not allowed to a before and after picture like a photo displaying weight loss.

Facebook, relies on users to report violations of the rules of Marketplace.

How to Sell On Facebook Marketplace Orlando

Navigate to, and click on “Marketplace” in the left-wing of News Feed

•As the field pops open, key in a title for your listing, the price, your location, and a category for the item

•Go further by clicking on the +10 photos option, to upload a photo of your item from your computer.

•Complete the process by tapping on “Post”. In case the “Post” option is grayed out, just include a title, price, location, photo, and category.

How To Access Facebook Marketplace Orlando

Facebook Marketplace Orlando is available in the Facebook app and on desktops and tablets. Search at the bottom of the app on iOS or at the top of the app on Android. If you are using a web browser, you can access Facebook Marketplace Orlando on the left-wing of the Facebook page.

Facebook Marketplace Orlando Categories

Facebook Marketplace Categories is a feature in the Marketplace App, where sellers can list items and sellers can shop by categories and easily get what they are looking for without leafing thru tons of items to get to what they want.

Using the categories features, enables sellers to classify their products and place them where they belong for easy access. As a buyer, you can easily navigate thru the different categories and easily get what you want.

Engage with your local community now via Facebook Marketplace Orlando and make extra cash for yourself.

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