Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022 | Fully Funded University Scholarships in Korea

Fully funded University Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022 are now open for both local and international students who are interested in studying in Korea. This is a great opportunity for International students, as they can now spend 3 to 4 years on the Korean Government Scholarships without even having IELTS. Korea is one of the fast emerging beautiful destinations in the world. It is also important to note that all the Scholarships offered are actually fully funded, and there are no restrictions in terms of applicant’s nationality.

Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022 | Fully Funded University Scholarships in Korea

Many applicants come for the South Korean scholarships because of how easy it is to get the Masters and Ph.D. degree programs, and also the easy selection process. Even with a low CGPA, you will still have a very good chance of getting in. There are up to 230 universities in South Korea that accept international students even without IELTS and these schools have well equipped modern educational facilities and very qualified researchers.

Details of Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022

In a bid to enhance its International QS Universities Ranking, South Korea is now increasing the number of scholarships that it provides to both local and International students.

  • Country of Scholarship: South Korea
  • Available Course Levels: Bachelors, Masters, and PhD

South Korean SNU Scholarship 2022

The ranking of the Seoul National University is seen to be number 9 in Asia, and number 60 in the world. The university is currently offering over 300 fully funded scholarships for International Students that are willing to pursue Masters/MPhil and Ph.D. or MS leading to Ph.D. for the spring session of 2022. The Seoul University is doing this in a bid to search for outstanding International students and researchers.

KAIST University Scholarship

Kaist is one of the leading top and famous universities in Korea, and she is considered by majority to be the MIT of the whole of Asia. Only English language proficiency certificate is needed when it comes to the Korean Government Scholarships. Study language in the university is in English, and so many courses are available there. As of November, 2021, Kaist University ranked at the number 39 in QS ranking in Asia. The university has over 11,000 students, including over 912 international students from over 92 countries.

GIST University Scholarship

GIST is also another top ranked university in South Korean that offers fully funded scholarships to study Masters or Ph.D. programs. Application fees are not required from applicants for the GIST scholarship program. For the Master’s Degree program, the duration of study is 2 years, while that of Ph.D. degree is 4 years.

UST Scholarship – Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022

The Korean University of Science and Technology offers one of the highest paying scholarships for international students to complete a Master’s degree or Ph.D. degree program in Korea. This fully funded scholarship program is made available to both local and international students, with no IELTS/TOEFL requirements.

University of Korea Scholarship

The university is one of the top ranked universities in Korea. She offers well over 500 scholarships to International students from all over the world every year.

Some other University Scholarships in Korea are;

  • Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology Scholarship
  • Catholic University of Korea Scholarship
  • INHA University Scholarship Korea
  • Kyungpook National University Scholarship
  • Ulsan University Scholarship in Korea
  • Chung-Ang University Scholarship Korea
  • Dongukk University Scholarship in Korea
  • Chonnam University Scholarship Korea
  • Chonbuk University Scholarship Korea
  • Chungnam University Scholarship Korea
  • Pukyong National University Scholarship Korea
  • Seoul Tech University Scholarship

For fully funded University Scholarships in South Korea without IELTS 2022, many opportunities are open for Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Masters, and Post-Doctoral degree programs. Studying in Korea has its own advantage as it gives you a wide range of good job opportunities. This is because graduates Korean universities are highly sought after by employing industries all over the world. We will be looking at how you can study in Korea without IELTS, and a list of Korean Universities that doesn’t require IELTS. We will also go over a list of fully funded scholarships in Korea.

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