A new money app just arrived, this app allows people to send and receive money from anyone instantly and all for free and it’s available on all app stores including iOS store.
The joompay app is just like the venom and transferwise app, and this app is starting with android and iOS store app.
This app has now been launched in Europe after obtaining a Luxembourg Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license.

Joompay was started by the founders of joom, an ecommerce marketplace.
Making use of this app is very easy and efficient, users just need to know the email address or phone number of whoever they are sending money to or have a custom paytag that does not reveal personal details.
Joompay users can as well pay a bill, make purchases of goods online and also send money to someone in a different country. It also lets users create a customizable payment page, share their personal joompay URL, receive money from customers and receive donations, unlike other money apps.
In December, Joompay turned into a Principal Member of the Visa card conspire, permitting it to give its new Joompay cards across Europe.
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