How to Use Twitter Fleets Feature | Twitter Fleets | How to Create & Delete a Fleet

How to Use Twitter Fleets Feature – Twitter is one of those social media platforms whose functionality and mode of operation is entirely unique. For starters, there are little or no features on this network that was derived from any other social media platform.

Its huge mass of users makes up for the interesting puns, sarcasm, and other sorts of humor embedded in tweets that makes this network so interesting. Presently, Twitter just released a new massive feature that will further make it into the perfect social media network it should be.

how to use twitter fleets feature

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Twitter Fleet

Similar to “Story” as in the Snapchat feature that allows you to post media contents that disappear after a 24-hour time limit, this feature is unique. Facebook got the concept from Snapchat and made the exact copy in almost every network of theirs (Instagram, WhatsApp).

However, Twitter did some little Twitter editing. Twitter fleets allow you to post Tweeted updates that disappear after 24 hours meaning it won’t necessarily be videos or pictures, it can alphabetical characters. Furthermore, unlike the usual tweeting, people won’t be able to like, retweet, or publicly reply to your fleet post.

To crown it all, your Twitter fleet posts can only be seen by your followers. So you won’t be getting a private reply to one of your fleet posts from someone not on your follower list.

How to Get Twitter Fleet Feature

This feature was developed to pull down the need for Twitter users to post a Tweet for one reason or the other. Twitter started testing the feature in countries like Brazil, India, South Korea, and so on and recently announced that the feature will be rolling out to everyone today.

So you don’t need a beta version of Twitter to use this feature, you just need an updated version. Head over to the app store on your respective device (IOS or Android) and update the Twitter app.

Using the Twitter Fleet Feature

Twitter’s 24-hour limited post feature is basically like the Story feature you use on Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Snapchat. This one just requires tweeting.

Your Followers will be able to view your fleets by visiting your profile that’s if they’ve not already seen your fleet icon at the top of their newsfeed page. You can’t like or retweet a fleet, although you can comment on a fleet, that goes directly to the fleeter’s DM.

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How to Create a Fleet

  • Open the updated Twitter app on your device.
  • Tap on the profile icon at the top left corner of your newsfeed page.
  • A new page comes up prompting you to “Share a Fleeting Thought”.
  • Next, tweet the fleet you’d like to share with your followers. You could add photos, stickers or emojis, just have fun while doing it.
  • Lastly, tap on the Fleet button to post it.

How to Delete a Twitter Fleet

Despite the fact that any fleet disappears 24 hours after you post them, you might feel the urgent need to delete it before its due expiry time;

  • Open the Twitter app and tap on your profile icon again.
  • Then swipe up to see old fleets.
  • Hit the ellipsis icon (three dots) after the fleet text.
  • Choose “Delete Fleet” from the drop-down menu.

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