Add WhatsApp button on Facebook page – Ever thought of having a Facebook page? It could for one good reason or the other may be a business page or a fan page but in all, it is necessary you have a contact button for people to reach you either an email or a contact number.
WhatsApp is an online social media platform. This app operates with your contact list i.e. it more private than other social media platforms. Using WhatsApp you have full control of what happens in your profile like who views your status etc.

Just same way you upload posts and pictures you can also do same using WhatsApp.
Facebook we all know is one of the most popular social media platforms with the largest number of users all over the world. Both apps are owned by Mark Zuckerberg.
Social media has really gone beyond the normal chatting and posting of pictures, right now social media is a large business forum for business people and also a fan zone for the social media influencers. Whichever category you find yourself it’s important you make use of your platform very well to engage and attract people to what you do. That’s why the Facebook CEO who is also the CEO of WhatsApp has linked both accounts for easier communication.
For those with a Facebook page, you can add your WhatsApp contact to your page for direct communication with your customers or fans.
Read up this article and you would learn how to add WhatsApp button on Facebook page.
How to Add WhatsApp button on Facebook page
Adding WhatsApp button on Facebook page would much easy to handle following these steps
- Open your Facebook account and then click on your page to open
- Click on ‘Settings’
- Look at the left side of the page and select ‘WhatsApp’
- Select your country code
- Input your WhatsApp number and send the code.
- Input the code sent to you correctly and click confirm
Note, before you can carry out this operation you must have a Facebook page and a WhatsApp account. Both accounts work together for this purpose. Should in case you don’t have any or probably one you can still process the other.
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