How to Buy and Sell on Facebook- A whole lot of people today use Facebook for different things but not many know that Facebook has its uses as a medium for people to buy and sell. Everyday people perform daily transactions, buyers meet sellers and negotiate, money is exchange with products and so on. All these and many more happen on the same Facebook we use to chat every day.

It is no new thing that Facebook has become a place for buying and selling products but even though, people know this is possible they do not know credible ways to go ahead with these tasks. Some of the toning and best ways on how to buy and sell on Facebook tend to be easy but many do not take advantage of these free opportunities.
Ways on How to Buy and Sell on Facebook
Knowing that the right audience for your products is right here on Facebook, the next step is to know how to be able to sell your products to these targeted audiences. There are a couple of ways to sell on Facebook successfully for free without having to pay shop rent or space online to sell. Below are some of the ways to sell on Facebook.
You might have heard about these methods of selling on Facebook before or you might have just come across them maybe while surfing the Internet or better still you have never heard of them before. Whatever be the case, you are about to learn how to sell your products through the following steps above.
Facebook Marketplace
The Facebook marketplace helps connect the buyer to the seller who is interested in a particular product. It is not an e-commerce store but a medium as a seller to show your products to your buyers and after the buyer shows interest in the product, goes ahead to begin negotiations with the seller right on the Facebook website.
Facebook Shop
The Facebook shop is more of an e-commerce store than the Facebook marketplace. It provides an online commerce platform to perform transactions, also you can monitor the purchase rate, amount of times visited and so on. The Facebook shop makes buying and selling simpler and more organized without necessarily getting the buyer and the seller to have long conversations.
Facebook Ad
With just a little cash, you can employ Facebook Ad which does not just put your product online to anybody, but to people who based on their activities and behavior have shown some interest in your products. This way, lots of time would be saved and your targeted customers will be reached more efficiently. Facebook Ad is fast, convenient and easy to use.
Facebook Business Page
This is not your personal Facebook page, but a business page set aside for your customers to come and view your products. Although, Facebook business page can be used with Facebook shop, it can still stand alone. It contains a list of all your products, information concerning each of the products, your contact info, and all the relevant stuff for your business.