Facebook Marketplace Icon Missing | Download Facebook Marketplace Icon

How to Get Facebook Marketplace Icon Facebook. Marketplace Icon gives you access to the Facebook Marketplace app on your Facebook page. With the icon you can easily navigate the app and engage on the platform to buy and sell.

Facebook Marketplace Icon Missing

Why Is Facebook Marketplace Icon Missing on My Device?

If the FB Marketplace icon is not showing on your device they may be a variety of causes why it is like that.

In an Unsupported Country: If you travel to a country that is not supported by Facebook Marketplace, it may also make the option disappear from the Facebook site and apps.

Under 18: Facebook Marketplace is only available to Facebook users who are 18 years and above.

Your home region isn’t supported: Currently, Facebook Marketplace is only available in 50 countries including the United States, Canada, and Australia. If your home address on your Facebook profile is set to a country that is not supported, then the Marketplace icon will not appear.

Dynamic menu: The main icon menu within Facebook apps is usually dynamic and will display shortcuts to Facebook features which you use the most. Thus if you go a while without using Facebook Marketplace, the icon may disappear or get replaced with another one of groups, videos, or some other Facebook features.

iPod touch is not supported: Facebook Marketplace does appear within the iOS app on iPhone and iPad, but it may not appear when you are using an iPod touch.

On new Facebook account: If your Facebook account is new, then Facebook Marketplace Icon won’t appear to you at all. This is a measure put in place by Facebook, to forestall scammers from creating new accounts and selling fake products to unsuspecting buyers.

How to Get Facebook Marketplace Icon on Your Home Screen

  • Go to the home screen page that you want stick the app icon or launcher.
  • Tap on the apps icon to bring up the apps drawer.
  • Long-press the app icon you want to add to the home screen.
  •  Then drag the app to the home screen page, and lift your finger to place the app.

How to Get Back a Missing Facebook Marketplace Icon

  • Go to Settings/General/Restrictions and turn on Restrictions.
  • You will be prompted to enter your Restrictions Passcode.
  • On the Restrictions page, scroll down to Privacy, turn on Location Services and ensure you allow changes for everything. For Facebook, allow it to access location while using the app.
  • Navigate back to Settings, and scroll down to Facebook and ensure you check Allow Facebook to access location while using the app one more time.
  • Finally, log out of Facebook and log back in and the Facebook Marketplace Icon will appear.

Facebook Marketplace Icon connects you to the Marketplace commercial hub where you can meet up with potential buyers in your locality and make sales as well as buy items.

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