Amazon Facebook Ads | How to Set Up Amazon Facebook Ads

Amazon Facebook Ads are powerful external traffic sources for Amazon sellers. Once you set up a successful Facebook ad campaign, your Amazon listing, benefits immensely from increased sales velocity, which translates to a higher BSR, better rankings, and more profits.

Amazon Facebook Ads | How to Set Up Amazon Facebook Ads

Amazon Facebook Ads Benefits

  • Gives you an edge over your competitors
  • A vast majority of Amazon sellers do not use outside traffic sources like Facebook.
  • Setting up your first campaign is pretty easy.
  • Combining Facebook Ads with a solid Amazon strategy can be a great boost to your business.
  • These ads are the most cost-effective and scalable source of traffic outside Amazon itself.

Why Amazon Facebook Ads

Facebook over the years has garnered over 2 billion active monthly users which makes it a profitable platform to engage in for the business-oriented folks. Facebook Ads targeting tools are quite sophisticated and allow you to show your ads to people who you are most likely to convert, and make customers.

You can show ads similar to people that have previously patronized your products on Amazon with lookalike audiences.

How to Set Up Amazon Facebook Ads

Set Up a Facebook Page

Start by setting up a Facebook page for your business. If you do not create a Facebook page, you can’t run Facebook Ads. Once you create a Facebook page, invite a couple of friends to like your page for some extra social proof.

Set Up A Facebook Ad Account

Next, you are to set up a Facebook ad account. Visit and tap “Create an Advert”.

Create An Ad Campaign

Thereafter, scroll to the Facebook ads manager, and click “Create Ad”. Select “Conversions” and give your ad campaign a name.

Thereafter you’ll need to choose a conversion event. If you use LandingCube, select “Lead”. LandingCube triggers this event when your customer types in their email address. (If you can’t see any events here, ensure you’ve set up your pixel and requested a coupon at least once, to enable Facebook know of the event.)


Here you are to define your audience targeting. This is a vital part of your Facebook campaign setup. Creating an audience essentially enables you totarget people based on a number of characteristics like age, location, interests or behavior.

Set Your Budget & Schedule

Set a reasonable low daily budget to begin with ($5) and ensure you set an end date that matches the expiration date of your landing page. You are advised to leave most of the other settings to default, and proceed to ad creation.

Launch Your Ad

Use compelling images and text for maximum results when creating an ad. Immediately you’ve created the ad, simply tap “Confirm” to launch your ad.

Track Results

It is very important for you to track the performance of the campaign and see how you are faring. You are to stay on top of your campaign stats, so you don’t end up spending lots of money on something that doesn’t yield results.

In the early days of your ad campaign, ensure to check your results daily.

Get started on Amazon Facebook Ads today and discover a more scalable cost-effective ads strategy that works just right for your business.

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